Brian Kiteley's short fiction and essays appear in New Flash Fiction Review (2018); Big Other (2019); Antic magazine (2016); Five Points (2015); (2014); Architectures of Possibility, edited by Lance Olsen (2012); Necessary Fiction (and here’s one piece from a month I spent as Writer in Residence, even though the author seems to be Steve Himmer, the general editor of the journal) (2011); JMWW (2010), The Pinch (2008 & 2009), McSweeney’s (2007), Esquire (2007), Tarpaulin Sky (2006), Listen Up (2006), (2005), Matter (2004), Chimera Review (2003), Double Room (2003), Segue (2002), Front Range Review (2000), The Ohio Review (1999), The Denver Quarterly (1994), Iowa Review (a pdf file, 1993), Provincetown Arts (1993), and Fiction (1989 & 1987).

The writer in residence page of mine at Necessary Fiction (scroll down to August 2011)

A favorite story of mine from Double Room (2003).

The opening of I Know Many Songs, but I Cannot Sing in The Washington Post (1996).

Co-painted with Cynthia Coburn and Eva Grace Sikelianos

Co-painted with Cynthia Coburn and Eva Grace Sikelianos